How to Safely Bring Home a Rescue Cat

Congratulations on choosing to adopt a rescue kitty!

Now we want you to have the best possible experience with your new companion, so here are some pointers on a safe and enjoyable transition.

  1. Before you bring home a new cat be sure you have prepared a room for him/her to feel safe in. If you give them a quiet, area (one or two rooms at most) to explore without other pets or a lot of noise and people traffic, they will have time to adjust to their new home. To avoid frightening your cat give them time to bond with you and learn where the litter is and become used to their new quarters. Equip their safe room in advance with food and fresh water (not in plastic), a comfy bed of some sort, a litter pan that is larger than the cat, a scratching post and a few toys. When you bring your cat home put their carrier down and open the door. Let them come out on their own!
  2. Remember while this is fun and exciting for you, your new furr baby is going to be experiencing mild to moderate stress at being relocated to a strange home with a strange new family. Go slow and be patient….they may try to hide some at first. Do not drag them out, let them adjust and come to you when they are ready. You can encourage them to come to you with treats and toys, but do not force them.
  3. Don’t introduce him/her to other pets and children immediately. As hard as it may be to take your time, please don’t introduce your new kitten or cat to everybody at once. Your kitty will need some time to become familiar with its new environment and even to you. When you do introduce new children or pet, do it one at a time and with careful supervision so no one is scared or hurt.
  4. Try to keep things as familiar as possible in the beginning so the transition will be as easy on the cat as possible. Use the same food, litter and maybe even a loved toy or a blanket that smells like where they have lived.

For even more helpful information on how to make your Adoption a huge success, please read PetFinders article on the First 30 Days of Life After Adoption!